Bollywood Dance Classes}

See More About: Kids Dance Schools Adult Dance Classes Bollywood Dance Classes by Jennie GandhiBollywood dances have gone through several modes and influences. This also relates to the type of films and changes that is influenced by the new age directors. There is more to the nuances and groove in the dance style as it is reflective about refreshing steps and ideas. Creating a sequence song for...

Asbestos discovery triggers evacuation and closure of New Jersey middle school

Tuesday, May 20, 2008 The discovery of the presence of airborne asbestos in a middle school in Montclair, New Jersey Friday prompted the evacuation of over 200 students from the school and the school's closure. Renaissance Middle School, part of the Montclair Public Schools in New Jersey, was closed Monday and remains closed Tuesday while undergoing asbestos testing and cleaning. According to a...
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This is the category for music. See also the Music Portal. Refresh this list to see the latest articles. 15 February 2017: Adele and David Bowie each win five Grammys 29 January 2017: Black Sabbath ex-keyboardist Geoff Nicholls dies 28 December 2016: British singer George Michael, 53, dies 26 December 2016: Plane carrying 92 crashes into Black Sea near Sochi 24 December 2016: Austrian cellist,...
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Head of US Minerals Management Service resigns following BP oil spill response

Thursday, May 27, 2010 After reports that US President Barack Obama has fired the director of the Minerals Management Service, Elizabeth "Liz" Birnbaum, the Interior Department revealed that she instead resigned "on her own volition". The resignation occurred amidst growing criticism of the federal government's response to the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig explosion and the agency's oversight...
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G20 protests: Inside a labour march

Wikinews accredited reporter Killing Vector traveled to the G-20 2009 summit protests in London with a group of protesters. This is his personal account. Friday, April 3, 2009 London – "Protest", says Ross Saunders, "is basically theatre". It's seven a.m. and I'm on a mini-bus heading east on the M4 motorway from Cardiff toward London. I'm riding with seventeen members of the Cardiff Socialist...
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