Diabetic Diet Sample 5 Ways To Control Your Blood Sugar With Your Diet

See More About: Knee Pain Doctors In Illinois By Larry Donaldson Diabetes is a serious disease that can be traced back to problems with the body's ability to produce or use insulin properly. Specifically, people with Type 1 diabetes are not able to produce insulin, while people with Type 2 diabetes are unable to properly use their own insulin. If untreated, the disease results in the person...

Columbus Periodontal Disease Find A Good Periodontist In Columbus, Oh

See More About: Knee Pain Doctor In Il Periodontal disease usually begins as a result of poor oral hygiene. Although periodontal disease commonly begins in a mild form, continuing lack of healthy oral habits may lead to a more serious gum disease. Periodontal disease occurs when plaque and tartar on teeth cause inflammation of the gums, which become swollen, red, and bleed easily. If the disease...