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Indian Furniture Tips – What is the Charpoy?
Indian furniture may be the most elegant and beautiful furniture that you would ever get in recent times. However, every kind of furniture has a local name for it, and it is necessary for you to know what the local names means, so that you buy the right kind of furniture for yourself. While there are several names for, one of the most spoken about is the charpoy. The charpoy is basically the name for the cot. The charpoy is a rectangular or square frame that is tied together with coir, allowing the person to sit or sleep on it. Here is some more information about this traditional Indian furniture.
The Charpoy is common rural furniture:
The original, traditional charpoy is common and prominent rural furniture. In the villages, the charpoy frame is made up of wood and the base is tied together with coir. Many village houses in India make their own charpoys, as the wood as well as the coir is something that they prepare at home. The Indian cot is used for sleeping as well as a sofa. The coir base is tied quite tightly and it can even support up to three or four people sitting on it, without the risk of breaking.
The Modern Charpoy is made of Different Materials:
The modern charpoys is an enhancement of the old Indian cots. Today, it can be made of various materials like steel, iron etc, while the base can be tied up with cotton threads or any other material that the charpoy maker has in mind. Also, the design of the modern khat, or khatiya has changed a lot from the old ones, and are as elegant and sleek as any type of new furniture that you might be looking for.
Traditionally, Charpoys were made handmade:
Since charpoys have their existence since the time that machinery did not exist, it is obvious that the traditional charpoy was made by hand, which did make each Indian cot unique, but it also made it a bit rough and blunt. However, with new, machine made charpoys, you can get the most beautiful and elegant charpoys made.
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Indian Furniture Tips – What is the Charpoy?