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Submitted by: Jay Winburn
WINNIPEG, MANITOBA, CANADA – It is a given that patients want the best treatment a physical therapist has to offer when they go to their physical therapy assessment and follow-up appointments.
A patient tends to view the treatment experience as more than just the exercises performed in front of a physical therapist and the exercise prescription process afterward. For many patients, it’s about the rapport their treatment provider builds with them before, during and after their appointment.
“The areas where physiotherapists tend to struggle with or don’t enjoy doing are some of the most important parts of growing their practice in many cases,” says Dr. Jay Winburn, president of Prognition Corp., the makers of Mavenlive physical therapy documentation software. “The little things, such as remembering personal details about patients, sending follow-up letters and touching base with referring doctors and patients are the things that stand out to others.”
In this first installment of a two-part series, Mavenlive spokesmen share with physiotherapists the ways in which Mavenlive exercise software can help them develop more meaningful relationships with patients and increase the likelihood that those patients will go on to tell their friends and family members about their experience. In part two of this article, the ability for Mavenlive’s rehab exercise software to do the same thing for physical therapists’ relationships with referring doctors will be covered.
Mavenlive has been referred to as Salesforce for patients. Salesforce is a popular customer relationship management tool for salespeople. Just as salespeople use this tool to set reminders and track all of their interactions when calling their clients, Mavenlive can help therapists keep track of information on their patients.
Why are these tools necessary? It’s all about information management. By using software to track patients’ progress- every interaction between the patient and the physiotherapist, the treatment prescribed, the progress that is made- helps with patient interaction on a much deeper level.
“This software allows the physiotherapist to take notes on anything that goes on during the appointment, as well as any personal notes the therapist deems necessary,” says Chris Metcalfe, Mavenlive’s vice president of technical development. “It really comes down to relationships. You can make a note of it when the patient says his daughter just had a child and ask him how mom and baby are doing at the next appointment.”
Remembering these details about patients makes it possible for the physiotherapist to start each visit on a more personal level.
“It’s amazing what mentioning something personal that you remember about a patient can do to their trust level for you,” Matcalfe says.
The software also enables therapists to easily draft correspondence to their patients and set reminders to make follow-up phone calls. All of these things help them build relationships with their patients. Patients who feel as though they have a connection with their treatment provider are far more likely to refer their friends and family members.
“I have a hunch that this is something every practitioner wishes he or she did more of and did better,” Winburn says. “But doing so is one of the easiest things to shortcut because it can be time-consuming, and it gets so difficult to do when you have a heavy caseload. Our tools make these tasks much more convenient and easy to do.”
Patients want to feel like they re receiving custom care and treatment that is customized specifically to their condition and needs. Mavenlive helps achieve that goal, Winburn says.
About Mavenlive and Prognition Corp.
Mavenlive was created in March 2009 by Prognition Corp., a software company headquartered in Canada’s National Research Council’s Biomedical Commercialization Centre in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
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