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Stasis Dermatitis treatment
Stasis Dermatitis is skin eczema that is found on the lower legs, associated with a blood circulation problem called venous insufficiency. This happens when the valves within the veins are no working properly. Stasis dermatitis is a condition found in middle-aged and elderly people, with mostly 6%-7% of the population above 50 years of age being affected by the condition. The chance of developing stasis dermatitis increases with advancing age and time
Symptoms include itching and or reddish-brown discoloration of the skin on one or both legs. Progression of the disease can cause blistering, oozing skin lesions seen with other forms of eczema, and ulcers may also spring up in affected areas. The chronic circulatory problems lead to an increase in edema or fluid buildup in the legs. Stasis dermatitis is also known as varicose eczema.
Dermatitis is a term that pertains irritation of the skin with scaling, rough or dry skin, redness, itching, and sometimes oozing, crusts, and erosion. Stasis is a term that relates to leg swelling seen in conditions of poor circulation and fluid buildup. It is skin irritation and that happens due to fluid accumulating below the skin.
In the US, stasis dermatitis occurs in 67% of people above 50 years of age. The risk of developing stasis dermatitis increases with age. Women are somewhat more likely to be affected, maybe due to the effect of pregnancy on the leg vein system. In younger people, statsis dermatitis is due to trauma, surgery repeated infections etc. With the right kind of medical care, this problem can be brought under control to a great extent
V.S.ARUNRAJ shares skin and eczema secrets and
stasis dermatitis treatment
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