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Essentials of a good plumber
Plumber is the word which comes from the Latin word lead means plumbum that the water pipes made from lead are used and the lead solders are used for the joints in pipe lines. So the person who is having good expertise in working with lead was shortly known as a plumbing technician. A plumber is a professional who specialized in the plumbing works like the installation and maintenance of pipeline systems used for drinking water, sewage and also for drainage system. He is having good knowledge in all areas of plumbing activities like how to install a quality plumbing fixture which has been used for a long time with out causing much distraction or any other damages. Plumbing is the main method to make the supply of water to and from different places to home and to any place.
Water is the basic need that all the human need to survive so the supply of pure clean water to the entire home or building is a challenging task. It is considered as a basic and substantial part of every developed economy to have a plumbing system due to the wide need for clean water and also for the proper drainage system. The plumbing technician is a tradesman works with these water pipes, sewage systems and hot water reservoirs. The plumbing method for a drainage system usually carries wastes in the form of water from our home to a distant place and can compost it easily. Like the pipelines used for water supply drainage lines are also more important that it may cause many healthy problem due to the accumulation wastes.
The main duty or job of a plumber is to install and repair pipes and pipelines, other piping fittings, plumbing fixtures, and all the other plumbing equipments which have been used for the distribution of water and for waste compose. An experienced plumbing technician has wide rage of ideas and techniques in successfully plant a plumbing fixture. It needs years of experience to reach a good position with learning all the techniques. He is also has an important role in this profession al in undertaking the installation of domestic internal hot and cold water pipe work. In many countries waste water disposal is more important than setting up of hot or cold water systems.
A plumber should have good skills in installing pipelines in residential, commercial, institutional, and industrial buildings with pipelines through out the buildings to make the supply to any end. The drainage system for transporting waterborne wastes to a distant place, planting sanitary fittings, underground pipelines and other related waste pipe work systems etc are done by the plumbing technician both in the commercial and industrial areas should go up with the advanced technologies. A plumbing technician is the responsible person to consistently test the pipes for leaks using air and water pressure gauges and he should take the measurements, cutting, bending, and threading the pipes with using either hand or any other power tools and machines.
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Essentials of a good plumber