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Heavy Construction Equipment Leasing- Advantages and Finance Options
Sanjana Sharma
Equipment leasing is a simple solution to grow your business with an ever changing economy. You can lease any and every type of equipment. In this article, emphasis will be on heavy construction equipment leasing.
To keep money free up in terms of the company’s line of credit, leasing is cheapest and best option for construction companies. So cash will be available in case of financial emergency or any other time of need. It is the most beneficial managerial and financial strategy to conserve working capital for any company. It resolves issues related to cyclical and seasonal fluctuations by slotting your payments into the months when your business’ sales are on peak. Furthermore, a lot of companies in construction opt for leasing as a good alternative in acquiring equipment to buying. There are advantages of heavy construction equipment leasing, which are:-
1.Your have a stable cash flow.
2.Assets are well managed.
3.Up gradation of Equipments can be done easily.
4.Customized payment structures.
5.Give more flexibility than bank loans or purchases.
6.Flexible end term options.
To get a better deal, you should know about the construction equipment finance. Search well for the financing options available in the market. You stand to gain many benefits: tax deductions, write-offs, more predictable cash flow for more accurate fiscal planning, and faster approval than other financing options. Few types of equipment that come under heavy construction equipment leasing are
3.Back Hoes
4.Cement Trucks
5.Concrete Equipment.
7.Trucks and Trailers
9.Crushers Graders
10.Logging Equipment
11.Wheel Loaders
12.Specialty Vehicles
And more…
Financing amounts can normally be approved without tax returns or financial statements. It normally takes s a day to get your application approved. There are basically two types of financing available:-
Finance leases -: These leases are best if you intend to keep the equipment at the end of the lease. This is because they include the option to purchase the equipment at the end of the lease. These leases are also known by type names of capital leases, conditional sales, or dollar buy out leases in the market.
True leases-: These are also called tax leases, operating leases, or FMV (fair market value) leases. Theses usually do not span the full expected life of the equipment. At the end of the lease, you can choose to walk away from the equipment or purchase it at fair market value. Payments on true leases generally tend to be lower than those on finance leases. This is because lessors have the opportunity to resell the heavy equipment when the lease ends.
Sanjana Sharma is the author of this article. For more information about equipment lease calculator,
benefits of equipment leasing
, office equipment lease,
equipment finance
and heavy equipment lease visit
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