Natural Cures Quickest Way to Get Rid of Fatigue
User name – Peter Hutch
Fatigue can rob even the most well-intentioned person of the motivation to get something done. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the things you might be doing which can contribute to fatigue, as well as a few home remedies you can find in your kitchen that might help give you a boost of energy.
Its quite natural for us to suffer from tiredness and fatigue after a hard days work. Sometimes this tired all-gone feeling persists even on arising after a nights sleep and one feels so haggard and drained of energy that one finds it difficult to even get on with day-to-day work. Fatigue could be mental, due to a tired mind or physical due to tired muscles. Mental strain, frustration, over-exercising, little or no zest for life all these could be some of the reasons for your fatigue.
Lavishly apply coconut oil or some Ayurvedic hair oil on your head and retain it for 30-90 minutes before bathing.
Heaping teaspoon of kuzu powder in 2 teaspoons water and add to 1 cup cold water. Bring the mixture to a boil, reduce the heat to the simmering point, and stir constantly, until the liquid becomes a transparent gelatin. Stir in 1 teaspoon tamari soy sauce and drink while hot.
B Vitamins:
The patient should also take natural vitamins and mineral supplements as an effective assurance against nutritional deficiencies as such deficiencies cause fatigue. Lack of pantothenic acid, a B vitamin, in particular, leads to extreme fatigue as deficiency of this vitamin is associated with exhaustion of the adrenal glands. A daily dosage of 30 mg of pantothenic acid or vitamin B5 is recommended.
Banana, milk, nuts, green leafy vegetables, peas, pulses, whole-grain cereals, rice polishing and yeast should be consumed for the same.
Fatigue is also caused by dehydration. Make sure you drink at least eight 8 ounce glasses of water each day. If you know in advance that you will be sweating and exerting yourself, start filling up your body with water the day before.
Apply a hydrating mask on the face. Put a slice of cucumber on each closed eyelid. lie down and rest for 10 minutes. Remove the cucumbers and for the next 5 minutes hang your head off the side of the bed allowing the blood to circulate. After you remove the mask hydrate with your favorite moisturtzer. You will feel like a new person.
Brown Rice Cream
Used in cases when a person in a weakened condition needs to be nourished and energized or when the digestive system is impaired. Dry-roast brown rice evenly until all the grains turn a yellowish color. To one part rice, add a small amount of sea salt and 36 parts water, then pressure cook for at least 2 hours. Squeeze out the creamy part of the cooked rice gruel through a sanitized cheesecloth. Eat with a small volume of condiment, such as umeboshi plum, gomasio (sesame salt), tekka, kelp, or other seaweed powder.
Chew the seeds of a cardamom three to four times a day. If you dont like the idea of chewing cardamom seeds, you can also boil one or two cardamom in a glass of water and drink it. Add sugar or honey for taste.
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Natural Cures Quickest Way to Get Rid of Fatigue