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The Basics of Online Distance Learning and Online Distance Learning Education
David Alexander
The ability of a person to simply go online has allowed distance learning to be an innovation in the field of education. Reasons such as scarce budgets and large populations have led school districts to pursue online distance learning education. In fact, many of these schools have been relying on online learning through management systems, videoconferencing, and web-based lectures.
With the advent of online distance learning education, the teachers and students do not need to be physically in the same room. Children can continue to learn even without going to school. The same is true for working adults who have tight schedules. The education features activities that are meant to expand already existing programs as well as offer new ones. Online learning is slated to be an important part of the future of education.
Distance learning is advantageous to teachers as well. They can make use of modules and email to continue discussions, post grades, and inform the parents of their child s progress. The Internet lets the teachers work on the courses more creatively. They also have the flexibility to find ways to customize their methods to the way students learn.
Online distance learning education gives learners additional opportunities to pursue more training. Unlike traditional programs, the online distance learning education makes use of technology that can connect the daily lessons with more practical applications or a global perspective.
For example, school districts partner with other schools to offer online instructions. If one school lacks the funds needed for a Latin class, a partnership can bridge it with another agency through online instruction. The process also allows a school to hire one teacher and broadcast the class to several classes.
These new learning schemes can facilitate the staff development plans for a school. Traditional programs require teachers go to a certain location for classes. Online distance learning education lets them cater their schedules around staff development classes. These classes can be finished whenever it is convenient for the instructor such as during off hours or even during the planning period.
Using the online modules lets the teachers gain the instruction and education needed to run an effective learning environment for each and every one of their students. Integrating online distance learning through the use of online staff development exposes the teacher with technology and lets them gain valuable insights on how to integrate online distance learning education into their classrooms.
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